


Every application for Full, Associate or Affiliate Membership of the Company shall be made to, and in the form prescribed by the Directors. Each applicant shall be proposed and seconded by Full and fully-paid up member of the company in the form prescribed by the Directors. The information contained in the application shall be circulated to all the Directors at least one month before a meeting at which the application is to be considered.
Each applicant for membership shall be considered by the Directors, ensuring that the applicant meets the qualifications required. The Directors shall decide whether or not to admit the applicant to membership and in what category. A further application may be submitted after a period of one year from the date of refusal.


The established procedure to join the EATP Affiliate Members is the following:
Fill the Affiliate Membership Application Form and Compile the Application Letter with official letterhead and Send these mentioned documents to the EATP Secretariat. Details (Email and Phone number)


Annual Subscriptions:

The annual subscriptions for membership shall be set at the discretion of the Directors from time to time subject to approval by the membership. Such annual subscriptions shall be paid by the first day of April of each calendar year unless otherwise decided by the Directors in any particular case.

The applicant will make the payment through local banks in the accounts shared by the EATP in their respective countries. Details (Bank Name + Account and Swift Code – For each Country)
The Directors may however at its discretion reinstate such a Member upon payment of the full amount in arrears, but a Full Member shall be required to pay the entrance fee as a penalty.